Core Values & Strategic Plan
Core Values


The Town of Bladensburg is a vibrant and exciting destination that offers superior services and opportunities to all community stakeholders in a clean and safe environment, promoting redevelopment, investment and diversity.


Bladensburg is an ethical and responsive government that provides high-quality customer service committed to creating a culturally and economically viable community.

Core values

Bladensburg CARES exemplifies the values we hold in the delivery of excellent public service to residents, property owners and stakeholders of the Town.

  • Collaboration – We value effective partnerships.
  • Accountability – We recognize our individual and collective roles and responsibility for service and program delivery.
  • Responsiveness – We value prompt customer service.
  • Ethics and Efficiency – We are ethical and efficient in our operations.
  • Service Excellence to the Community – We value efficient, high quality service in everything we do.

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